Are Anti-Wrinkle Injections Painful?

Anti-wrinkle injections pain management at new age skin care

We always want our clients to be comfortable! So here are just some of our pain reduction methods to reduce the pain of anti-wrinkle injections at New Age Skin Care. The needles are small and the injections feel like a little sting or pinch.

We often have clients say the thing they are most nervous about prior to the injections is the pain. They don’t particularly like needles and fear it may hurt. This is an absolutely valid concern so we always try to explain what you can expect and what we do to help.

Jo, our cosmetic registered nurse practitioner and owner of New Age Skin Care performs the anti-aging injections. Jo is kind and considerate and always tries to reduce the pain experienced when getting anti-aging treatments.

Pain Reduction Methods:

1. Little Tiny Needles

We use small, specifically designed syringes for the facial area. FMS (Fine Micro Syringes) needles are basically ultra-thin walled needles, designed for exactly these kinds of treatments. They lead to a more comfortable procedure, less hemorrhage and significantly reduced injection marks.

2. Mixing it up

We mix the contents of the anti-aging liquid with preserved saline, this helps to reduce the sting! The use of preservative-containing saline to reconstitute the anti-aging formula can significantly decrease patient discomfort on injection. This was found to be significant in several studies including this 2012 study.

3. Good Vibrations

We use distraction techniques such as Vibration devices (no not the one you are thinking of!) and squeeze balls to trick the brain into diverting it’s attention elsewhere. It might sound too simple, but this is one of the most commonly used and highly endorsed strategies for controlling pain. In one study the distraction technique was even more effective than pharmacological intervention in decreasing procedural pain!

What’s holding you back?

Still not sure if anti-wrinkle Injections are right for you? Worried you might end up looking like a deer in headlights? We understand your concerns and when it comes to anti-wrinkle injections, we completely adhere to the Golden Rule: Less is more. The goal of anti-wrinkle injections isn’t to freeze your face into an eternal mask of non-expression, like that seen on too many Hollywood celebs! Read this article if you’re curious about how we achieve your desired look.  

At the end of the day the pain with these treatments can be minimised and most patients don’t need anything more than the above strategies, but if you have any concerns you can contact us on 0410 636 818 or pop into our new clinic location on Thompson Street (Suite 10/189 Baylis Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650) to discuss.

Want a less painful injection? Book Online Today!

JO Canny