Laser Hair Removal - What to Expect Before, During, and After Treatment

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Laser hair removal on armpit wagga wagga

Considering laser hair removal? This guide provides an overview of what to expect before, during, and after your laser hair removal treatment session. Discover if laser hair removal is right for you and learn how to get successful results!

At New Age Skin Care we offer Super Hair Removal, which is a new more advanced type of laser hair reduction. Our laser hair removal system combines laser technology and the benefits of pulsating light to achieve painless results. We have an advanced DermaLite SHR machine which means shorter appointment times, virtually pain-free treatments and super-safe for all skin and hair types!


Preparing for Your Treatment Session

Prior to your laser hair removal treatment session, it’s important to take some time to properly prepare. You’ll need to avoid hair removal treatments like waxing and plucking. You do however need to shave the area and avoid fake tan or sun exposure. Initially, you will meet with our Laser Therapist or Nurse and, she will conduct an assessment of your skin type and hair colour, check if you have any allergies and document any medications that you may be taking.  


During Laser Hair Removal Treatment

During the laser hair removal procedure, a therapist will use a mechanical device to create pulses of concentrated light on one's skin. This light energy is absorbed by pigment in the follicles which in turn damages them and prevents any re-growth. Depending on the size of the area being treated, it can take anywhere from 5-30 minutes for a session to be completed.


Post-Treatment Care and Follow-Up

Post-treatment care is necessary to reduce the risk of side effects, enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and promote quick healing. Proper aftercare helps to prevent skin irritation, reduce redness and swelling, and minimise the risk of infection. We have aftercare available in clinic from our Aspect Dr range to soothe your skin after treatment. Most patients are advised to avoid sun exposure after their treatments since damaging UV rays, coupled with the heat of the laser can cause mild to moderate sunburn over the treated areas. Follow-up appointments are typically scheduled at regular intervals to evaluate the areas being treated for any new growth. It’s important for people to protect their skin from sunburn and other forms of damage even after treatments have been completed in order to maintain optimal results.

Laser Hair Removal Cost

The cost of SHR treatments is generally reflected in the surface area of the treatment.


JO Canny