Laser Hair Removal, in an all new location.

Wagga laser hair removal specialists. Relax in our Baylist Street, Wagga Wagga Clinic while you relax pain free

Say goodbye to painful waxing and plucking with our safe, effective, pain-free laser hair reduction treatments at New Age Skin Care, Wagga’s laser hair removal specialists!

New Age Skin Care has recently moved to a beautiful new clinic just off Baylis Street which makes stopping by for a quick treatment all the more convenient! If you’re curious about laser hair removal you’ve come to the right place!

What is laser hair removal, really?

Wondering if laser hair reduction treatments are right for you? Laser hair removal is absolutely a safe and effective way to remove unwanted body hair!

Every hair on your body grows from a small sac within your skin called a follicle. Our hair removal lasers emit a bright light that is absorbed by the pigment (colour) in your hair follicle. The bright light creates heat within the hair itself and damages the tiny hair follicles, preventing them from growing again!

This remarkable process is an excellent hair reduction technique and we have seen it work time and time again for our clients, and the best bit, our laser hair removal is painless and permanent once the hair follicle is completely destroyed. You will notice little hairs falling out within a few days of your treatment, and over time you will see a significant reduction in the amount of hair. You’ll need several visits and you simply shave in between treatments, it’s as simple as that!


How does laser hair removal with New Age Skin Care work?

At New Age Skin Care we use Super Hair Removal (SHR), which is a new technology for permanent hair reduction that has revolutionised the way in which we are able to treat unwanted hair.

The system combines laser technology and the benefits of pulsating light to achieve painless results. The state-of-the-art SHR laser machine in our Wagga clinic can treat all skin and hair colours, including darker skin types and very sensitive fair-skinned clients. Our treatment is much more pleasant than with conventional laser machines you might find, and is virtually pain-free, even in sensitive areas like the upper lip and chin!

At your initial appointment in our beautiful new Wagga Wagga clinic, now located just off Baylis Street (Thompson Street), you’ll talk to us about any issues you may have with your hair or skin and our friendly, knowledgeable staff will walk you through what we need to do to achieve the best results for you.

How many laser hair removal sessions will I need?

This varies, however you will need several visits so that all the hairs can be treated throughout their growth cycle. At your initial appointment, we can discuss with you the number of sessions you will need, as this is based on the colour of your hairs and your skin type.

If you stop your treatment before reaching the recommended number of treatments, you will likely be left with some hair regrowth and won’t achieve the amount of hair reduction you’re likely looking for.


What should I avoid after laser hair removal?

Heading to our Wagga clinic during a lunch break or after work has never been easier. Pain free treatments with no down time means you can return to work or daily activities immediately following your appointments!

After your laser treatment, continue shaving and don’t wax, thread, or tweeze the area. Your skin might also be a bit more sensitive to the sun after your treatments so make sure you wear sunscreen to keep out the sun’s harmful UV rays.


Is laser hair removal safe?

Yes! Our team is extremely skilled in using our advanced hair removal lasers and we have in-depth knowledge of skin, hair and the removal process. Not only is laser hair removal safe, but it is very effective in reducing unwanted hair. Depending on the colour of your hair and skin tone, your hair reduction treatment can last up to 12 months. After that you can choose to come in for a simple maintenance appointment.

Looking for quality laser hair removal services? Have some questions about laser hair removal?
Contact our friendly team today on 0410636818


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IPL Skin Rejuvenation
Collagen Induction Therapy
Laser Hair Reduction
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